Our Students
Each year more than 200 students pass through our halls with a common passion, dance. We have students of all ages, both small and large, children and adults, some only like ballet and others only enjoy hip hop, but at the end of the course everyone has the same goal, DANCE IN THE END OF COURSE !!!
A place where making friends is easy
Your kids will love our teachers
Nuestros profesores consiguen sacar de todos los niños
sus mejores calidades para que ganen confianza y
seguridad a través del baile
MDS also has an official ballet exam program
Russian Vaganova Asociation
Pregunta a tu profesor para mas información acerca de los examenes
Mi experience in MDS...

Lily Rose Mansfield (12 años)
MDS has given me opportunities like going to the @royalballetschool getting in to the @russian_masters_ballet for summer school and getting 3 scholarships in the @worlddancefair competition. And now I start my next chapter of my dance life in @staatlicheballettschuleberlin#staatlicheballettschuleberlin
So thank you so much family and I also wanted to thank @lucycatherinebrown for teaching me to dance and letting myself go with the rhythm of the music and also for her amazing clases that every week I was looking forward to ?

Marina Remartínez
MDS puede ser muchas cosas maravillosas, pero lo que la caracteriza podría ser lo poco escuela y gran hogar que es para todos. El aprendizaje, constancia, energía y cariño de cada uno de los alumnos y profesores son los pilares que la construyen. Y esa energía positiva y amor que se pone en cada proyecto y clase es lo que te impide distanciarte de ella y su gente. En definitiva, un hogar.